Astrologia Previsionale - Astrologia oraria, elettiva, classica e Magia Astrologica
Since the dawn of time, ancient peoples have paid great attention to the changes in brightness of the stars, especially if they took on the character of real "anomalies".
We all know that Betelgeuse (alpha Orionis) began to lose brightness in the second half of October 2019, precisely in the period in which according to the latest studies the coronavirus began to spread underground. But just as the virus was still unknown and not evident, in the same way the weakening of Betelgeuse's light was not yet such as to be perceptible to the naked eye. On December 19 the visual magnitude reached +1.29. Being Betelgeuse a pulsating variable, this loss of brightness was not exceptional and in the past, albeit very rarely, similar phenomena had already been observed. But this did not stop there, because the loss of brightness registered a new low between 17 and 18 January 2020 (magnitude +1.50) becoming easily perceivable even to the naked eye ... just as the coronavirus came out in the open, starting to spread in China and alarming the whole world.
The Betelgeuse light reached a minimum between 7 and 13 February, with a magnitude around +1.6. Then, starting from the days around February 20, the star gradually began to recover brightness. And also in this case the temporal coincidence with the terrestrial events is remarkable, given that in that period in China there was the peak of the contagions and the descent phase began, while the virus began to attack the rest of the world, starting from Italy. But by now Betelgeuse had given the whole world its announcement, and therefore could return to "normal".
Many believed that the dimming could lead to the star going supernova, but the drop in brightness was due to the simple overlap of the respective lows of the two pulsing periods of the star. Betelgeuse is a pulsating variable, therefore its variability derives from successive expansions and contractions of the surface layers of the star itself. But when this variability takes an exceptional character, an astrological interpretation becomes more than legitimate.
In this regard, it is interesting to note that Betelgeuse represents the right shoulder of the giant Orion, therefore that part of the starry image closest to the seat of the lungs. And since in the most serious cases the coronavirus triggers a viral pneumonia that can lead to death by suffocation, the exceptional loss of brightness of the star placed at this point lends itself to an evident analogical interpretation, and even more if we associate its pulsations with the human breath. In addition, Betelgeuse has a color between orange and red and Mars-Mercury nature, so it is already suitable in itself for indicating such an event. Another confirmation is provided by the Saturn-Betelgeuse conjunction between October and November 2002, that is precisely when the first cases of the SARS epidemic occurred in China (initially kept hidden by the Chinese government).
ThIs kind of interpretations should not surprise. For years I have been engaged in thorough studies of fixed stars and constellations and I have learned that their symbolic language is much more archaic (almost "childish”) than that of modern man, who is decidedly more at ease with psychology and abstract reasoning. In a sense, to better understand the language of fixed stars and constellations, we should go back to the way of thinking of primitive men.
If these particular variations in the brightness of the star announce events of this magnitude, we can easily imagine the great upheavals that will affect our planet and its inhabitants if and when Betelgeuse will explode in a supernova and thus Orion will lose his right shoulder.